A Match Made in Tech Heaven: HubSpot + LinkedIn = Matched Audiences for Effective Nurturing
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A Match Made in Tech Heaven: HubSpot + LinkedIn = Matched Audiences for Effective Nurturing

Learn how to combine the power of LinkedIn and HubSpot to nurture contacts into action.

Allocate ad spend to a segmented audience of contacts

If you’re a B2B marketer, you know LinkedIn is the peanut butter to your jam (read jelly if that phrase clashed with you). Using HubSpot and LinkedIn together will help amplify your efforts in reaching the right target audience at the right time, while reducing overall ad spend.

To be more specific, creating Matched Audiences to ensure your ads are shown to people who will be most likely to be in the sweet spot for your product or service.

What is a Matched Audience on LinkedIn?

Simply put, Matched Audiences are segmented audiences used for retargeting. Combining this capability with HubSpot’s CRM allows you to retarget ads to those leads that are sitting in your CRM but could use that extra push into action.

How to use HubSpot and LinkedIn together to create a Matched Audience

Follow the 5-step instructions to create a Matched Audience within LinkedIn.

Step 1: Setup your HubSpot and LinkedIn accounts

To create a Matched Audience you will need a HubSpot account and a LinkedIn account. If you don’t have either, you can sign up for a free trial of HubSpot and create an advertising account (LinkedIn Campaign Manager) through your LinkedIn account.

Step 2: Create a target list in HubSpot

In HubSpot, create a list of your ideal customers by defining specific criteria such as job title, industry, location, company size, lead score and more. You can also use HubSpot's advanced filtering options to further refine your list.

Step 3: Connect your LinkedIn account to HubSpot

Connect your LinkedIn account to HubSpot by going to the Integrations settings and following the steps to authorise the connection. Once connected, you can use HubSpot to create a Matched Audience in LinkedIn.

Step 4: Create a Matched Audience in LinkedIn

In LinkedIn, go to the Campaign Manager and click on "Matched Audiences". Then, click on "Create an audience" and select "Website visitors" or "Contact targeting". Choose HubSpot as the data source and select the list you created in Step 2. You can also choose to exclude certain contacts if needed.

Step 5: Set up your LinkedIn Campaign

Once you have created your Matched Audience in LinkedIn, you can create a targeted campaign to reach this audience. You can choose to create sponsored content, sponsored InMail, or other types of ads.

By creating a Matched Audience in LinkedIn based on your defined criteria in HubSpot you can ensure your ads are seen by contacts who are most likely to be interested in your product or service and ultimately move them further along in the buying cycle with the aim of taking action on bottom of funnel content.

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